Thursday, July 7, 2011

The 5 Minute Tu-Tu

My daughter has a couple of cousins that are just 3 years older, and also the only girls in their families full of boys.  Therefore, they are the perfect source for great hand-me-down clothes.  Both of the cousins really love the "princess" type dresses.  You know the ones, lots of frills and ruffles and chiffon.  We love these dresses too, but every so often we'll get one where the frills just don't hold up to the active life of a two-year-old.  We just so happened to have had one of these dresses hanging out in her closet for a few months now.  My previous attempts at mending these types of dresses (especially this particular type of wear) has been less that satisfying, and I was afraid I was either going to have to cut the offending organza over skirt, or just pass on the dress completely.

Sorry I don't have pictures of all of this.  Sometime my brain fails to remind me that I do own a camera.

Anyway, to continue on with this incredibly long story...I ended up cutting of the over-skirt, and the dress is adorable and much more functional now.  I hated to see all that pretty organza go to waste though, so after trimming of some of the raw edges (where it was pulling away from the seams of the dress) I ran it through the serger, cased in a waistband and...Ta Da!  A perfect dress-up skirt that didn't cost me a thing. 

It looks especially good when paired with the Tinkerbell swimsuit. ; )

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